My first sight in these earth was in a hospital in Mexico city on April 7 1991.Since that day i been mentally video taping all the events ,moments,and stories that crossed my way. I wish i could remember every single name of the persons that I have met or their faces , but sometimes I even forget relatives names. All the things I always kept alive in my memory are the stories, the lessons and the love in which persons marked my life and my heart.
I consider myself to have an old soul trap in a young body.I have not read many stories I'll rather hear them. One of my biggest passion is to help others and try to understand them, I think part of my passion was develop growing up in a hospital surrounded by friends diagnosed with terminal diseases.Seeing them die and see their families suffer change my personality and the way I care for others. I went through several transition periods in my life that go from cultural changes, economical and marital statues.I consider every mistake I did as a precious learning experience and i would never change anything that happened in my life. I consider myself to be a talented person but more important I'm a blessed person. The way I love to live is free!. I love and embrace anything that is different from me, and I hate to lose the opportunity to learn from that different person, idea or concept. I also see myself as a weird specimen human being I love to think different and go against ,stereotypes, margins,and specially wrong concepts about me. I'm a boxer in the ring of life, I love to defend my ideas and polish my believes ,I'm not a quitter I try to keep standing even though many times I fell like I run out of strength and energy I think that the day I will stop fighting that would be the day of my death.I believe in my inner power and I never doubt myself in my capabilities.I accept myself and i feel proud of my achievements. Lastly I'm Samantha Bustamante.
Samantha i love your Bio,keep it up.A few grammar errors you can correct are in your first sentence.Capitalize your I.its great.