Tuesday, September 27, 2011

April 7th 1991.

My first sight in these earth was in a hospital in Mexico city on April 7 1991.Since that day i been mentally  video taping  all the events ,moments,and stories that crossed my way. I wish i could remember every single name of the persons that I have met or their faces  , but sometimes I even forget relatives  names. All the things I always kept alive in my memory are the stories, the lessons and the love in which persons  marked my life and my heart.
I consider myself to have an old soul trap in a young body.I have not read many stories I'll rather hear them. One of my biggest passion is to help others and try to understand them, I think part of my passion was develop growing up in a hospital surrounded by  friends diagnosed with terminal diseases.Seeing them die and see their families suffer change my personality and the way I care for others. I went through several transition periods in my life that go from cultural changes, economical and marital statues.I consider every mistake I did as a precious learning experience and i would never change anything that happened in my life.  I consider myself to be a talented person but more important I'm a blessed person. The way I love to live is free!. I love and embrace anything that is different from me, and I hate to lose the opportunity to learn from that different person, idea or concept. I also see myself as a weird specimen  human being I love to think different and go against ,stereotypes, margins,and  specially wrong concepts about me. I'm a boxer in the ring of life, I love to defend my ideas and polish my believes ,I'm not a quitter I try to keep standing even though many times I fell like I run out of strength and energy I think that the day I will stop fighting that would be the day of my death.I believe in my inner power and I never doubt myself in my capabilities.I accept myself and  i feel proud of my achievements. Lastly I'm Samantha Bustamante.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Careers ,money vs passion.

Patient dies under care of fill-in nurse in Oakland

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/09/24/MNKA1L97H6.DTL#ixzz1Z1q57p2M

A female patient died at an Oakland hospital due to what was describe as a ‘’ medical error’’.  The nurse who was a replacement hired during a labor dispute gave the patient a fatal overdose of medication..  As many as 23000 nurses at 34 hospitals in northern and central California walked off the job on Thursday. the strike battle over proposed changes in benefits,as well as patient staffing issues .hospital officials believe that the temporary nurses were not less qualified than the staff  nurses , but other believe that the replacement nurses lacked the proper certification needed for the jobs they were doing .
I believe that the nurses that decided to abandoned their jobs and decided to strike were irresponsible and are in some way guilty of the patient’s dead. I believe that the nurses needed to be professional and strike in a different way. I believe that nurses, doctors, firefighters, policeman and persons who offer public services have to be aware of the importance of their jobs in our society. I believe that more than a career they have to feel passion and love whatever they are doing and do it well. I think that it is important for them to strike and express their emotions, after all these is a free country , but the lives of many of us depend on them. I would not describe this event as an accident I think is a consequence of the wrong actions that nurses did and the poor professionalism and importance to them on their jobs. I feel that they need to carry their title with honor and respect and value more their core values as health providers. This also makes me feel that many of these medical staff  care more about money and their benefits, than  patient's health and help to save lives..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Don't judge a school by its fame.

Don't judge a school by its fame.

I had the opportunity to be part of the 2009 class of Kennedy high school in Richmond. The first day I walked thought the door I felt scare the school had a bad reputation and I did not know what to expect. As I walked through the hallway I looked around and the conditions of the school scared me even more. The lockers were falling apart, the walls were painted with graffiti in some  cases  the graffiti were sexually offensive for women, the bathrooms were always flooded and dirty there were rat traps in the gardens and inside the classrooms most of the desks or chairs were broken and full of gang marks. I can’t remember all the things that the school needed to be repair but, all of us knew that the school never had funds for those promised improvements. I wanted to transfer to a better school I talked with my mother about it, but she simply said ''no''. Being in a student in there felt more like being a prisoner in a jail. I had no other option so I stood there. My parents always pushed me to try new experiences and then decided, they always wanted me to ''suffer'' first, and to me it’s like pushing me into a pool with no swimming skills and expecting me not to drawn. Obviously high school was not their exemption but being there really made me feel stressed out. There were more gangs than clubs, more Saturday school than tutorials and more probation officers than counselors. I remember the guy that run away from home , the guy that got arrested, I remember the dead body in front of our school ,I remember the day that a group of friends that went to a party and one of them fired a gun and killed his own friend , I remember the day that the girls locker room were on fire , I remember the walk- out days when we protest  in order to keep our school open ,I remember the couple that committed suicide after they found out she was pregnant...the list of incidents is just too long to write it (robbery sexual assault drug dealers etc) . After all of our behavior I knew why we could not say proudly '' I am a Kennedy student'' to others that high school and the reputation sounded like we were a bunch of young criminals trying to get a diploma. Today I can say that I am proud of the education that Kennedy gave me. I am not saying that I feel proud of my classmate’s criminal activity, I am proud to say that we made it through -adversity; we kept the school open for future generations. I am proud of being part of the change and the change I want to see in our community. Today I want to be able to change the future of the following classes of Kennedy high school. I want to work hard and proof that we have potential, talent, future and power and that not because we come from tough neighborhoods, that we are a bunch of criminals.  One day in my graduation ceremony holding my master's degree in my hands. I want to be able to put my head up high and say proudly I graduated from Kennedy high school the best school I ever attended ''My life school'' and I made it happen­.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

love the way you talk!

 I believe that language is the easiest way to express yourself. I believe that you develope your speech thorough time, enviroment, sorroundings, heritage, culture, race, friends, family, finally by your own personality and thoughts . Many will disagree with my opinion and my perspective of life but i strongly believe that every single person in these planet is unique and important. I believe that thorugh language we carry on our past. we learn new words daily  and day by day the way  we talk and think changes, but if you think about words as being a part of yourself you only go trhough life giving a piece of you to others . Teaching and reciving words  is not only with the purpose of  expanding your vocabulary of words, to me  learning a new word from a friend  is accepting and embracing  a part of them . Words always have a meaning but they are also powerful, words are names,opinions ,ideas.I wonder who decided these names?? who named things?? who decided to name love to a feeling ?. I dont know the answer to these questions but i am sure that the word love has centuries of existance in these world  .I think that words are  powerful and when you give out a word you can give out a feeling a thought or an  object. I think that words can be descructive as well as contructive so the use of language is essential in life.   Exploring the speech in my family I discovered that the way we talk has come from generation and generations back I can be using the same words that my grandmother used when she was a girl and now I am teaching the same word to my daughter such as love and the meaning of love in our family.